Animal Use in Science: Exploring the 3Rs
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Introduction to Animal Use in Science and the 3Rs
Examine the use of animals in scientific research in the United States.
The 3Rs of Scientific Research
Assess the potential impact of the 3Rs principles on scientific research.
Replacement: Alternatives to Using Animal Models in Testing, Research, and Education
Outline common ways to replace the use of animals in research
Reduction and Refinement in Scientific Research
Apply the principles of reduction and refinement to animal research
Experimental Design and Reproducibility
Critique the justification of animal use in scientific studies and validity of research results
Environmental Impact of the 3Rs
Assess the potential positive environmental impact of applying the 3Rs to scientific research
Cosmetic Product Testing on Animals
Examine the historical, regulatory, and legal trends of cosmetic product testing on animals
Legal and Ethical Guidance of the Use of Animals in Scientific Research
Analyze the laws and regulations that guide the use of animals in science in the US