Animal Use in Science: Exploring the 3Rs

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Module 1

Introduction to Animal Use in Science and the 3Rs

Examine the use of animals in scientific research in the United States.

Module 2

The 3Rs of Scientific Research

Assess the potential impact of the 3Rs principles on scientific research.

Module 3

Replacement: Alternatives to Using Animal Models in Testing, Research, and Education

Outline common ways to replace the use of animals in research

Module 4

Reduction and Refinement in Scientific Research

Apply the principles of reduction and refinement to animal research

Module 5

Experimental Design and Reproducibility

Critique the justification of animal use in scientific studies and validity of research results

Module 6

Environmental Impact of the 3Rs

Assess the potential positive environmental impact of applying the 3Rs to scientific research

Module 7

Cosmetic Product Testing on Animals

Examine the historical, regulatory, and legal trends of cosmetic product testing on animals

Module 8

Legal and Ethical Guidance of the Use of Animals in Scientific Research

Analyze the laws and regulations that guide the use of animals in science in the US