Let’s Talk!

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Questions? Looking to make the leap?

Let us know how we can help in your journey toward effective, economical, and humane science education.

Alternatively contact us at:

National Anti-Vivisection Society

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Frequently Asked Questions

BioLEAP is a program of the National Anti-Vivisection Society, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

The 3Rs call for the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in science. BioLEAP prioritizes the importance of replacement by supporting an end to classroom dissection and provides educational material that demonstrates how the 3Rs can lead to better results in science and animal welfare.

Students are often drawn to the biological sciences because of their love of animals. By demonstrating that it’s possible to conduct good science without harming animals, you pave the way for students to develop a passion for science without compromising their morals.

BioLEAP offers a variety of humane education resources including free learning material, our humane product catalog, and grants to support the replacement of dissection.

While we do not endorse any one product, you can use our Product Finder to narrow your search by animal type, grade level, and format to find a selection of products that fits your needs.
We are always interested in recruiting teacher collaborators for our advisory board to help contribute to publishing papers, creating workshops, and giving testimonials that support humane education. Contact us if this opportunity sounds like a good fit for you.
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Interested in supporting our work?

A donation to the National Anti-Vivisection Society will help support programs like BioLEAP that are working to advance science without harming animals.