Thanks to advancements in technology and effective, new resources, it’s easier than ever to make the leap and ditch classroom practices that harm animals and discourage many students. In doing so, teachers advance a modern and engaging approach to instruction, while helping to instill respect for all living things.
Humane Science = Better Science
Humane education focuses on teaching compassion for people, animals, and the environment. By replacing animal use in the classroom with modern methods of scientific inquiry, teachers create a compassionate learning environment, while embracing innovative, future-facing research methodologies, such as computer modeling and human-relevant complex cell models.
Ethical Alignment
Humane education helps foster a solid ethical base for the scientists, policymakers, and citizens of tomorrow.
Inclusive Education
By using humane methods, teachers ensure all students—regardless of personal morals, religious beliefs, or sensory processing challenges—can equally participate in science education.
Engaging Technology
Replacing animal dissection with more effective anatomy models allows for the integration of new technologies that include 3D digital models and virtual reality models.
Resources for Humane Science Education
With BioLEAP’s free learning materials, humane product database, and classroom grants, it's easier than ever to make the leap.
Teach Our Free Humane Curriculum
Animal Use in Science: Exploring the 3Rs is a high school curriculum that integrates the ethics of animal use into the classroom. The curriculum is based on the 3Rs Principle, an internationally-recognized philosophy that calls for the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in science. Covering topics from cell models to environmentalism, our Next Generation Science Standards compliant lesson plans include activities, learning assessments, and answer keys.
Replace Animal Dissection With Humane Anatomy Labs
Humane anatomy teaching tools provide an optimal and reusable replacement for wasteful animal dissections. Dissection alternatives representing all specimen types are available as physical models, digital programs, and virtual reality experiences, so it's easy to find the perfect tool to fit your classroom’s specific needs. There are many benefits to replacing animal dissection. Here are the top three:
Unlike animal dissection specimens, which must be repurchased annually, many humane models are reusable, supporting anatomy lessons for years to come.
Studies show that students who completed humane anatomy labs performed just as well or better on learning assessments than their peers who completed animal dissections.
Students struggle with dissections for reasons that include: physical limitations with using a scalpel, sensory issues with the extreme smells, or a love of animals. Humane models remove multiple barriers to equal participation.
By the numbers
Dissection replacement models
Free humane lesson plans
Schools helped through our grant
Looking to Learn More about Making the Leap?
Explore our downloadable references to learn more about making the switch from dissection and the benefits of humane anatomy lessons.